Slipstream Timing is dedicated to helping your organization produce a first rate event. We have a goal of providing outstanding support for your event at an economical price.
Check out the services that we can offer.
Our main function at track meets is to handle timing and the meet database. We use the FinishLynx system for fully automatic timing. For the database, we can use Hy-Tek's Meet Manager, Easy Meet Manager, or LynxPad depending on your needs. We will assist you from start to finish in providing complete, accurate, and quick results. On-line entry is also available to facilitate entries into your meet. Consultation in your early stages of planning can also be provided.
The service that we provide for cross-country is the same as track & field. However, we generally time with button timers as a convenience. We also have access to a chip timing system interfaced with our FinishLynx system for meets wanting that level of service.
We provide on-line meet entry through MILESPLIT, COACH O REGISTRATION or DIRECT ATHLETICS. On-line entry speeds up data entry for your event and saves you money in the long run.
Have you been given the task of putting together an event and do not know where to start? Slipstream Timing can consult with you in developing a first class plan for your meet. Are you looking for help improving your team's program? We can review your program and give you some concrete ideas for taking your program up a notch.
We can set up a meet information page for your event on our web site. Entry lists and results can also be posted on our web site.
While we specialize in track & cross-country, we have the ability to assist with other events needing timing services. Road races, cycling, and rowing are just a sample of other events we can work with.
Slipstream Timing & Meet Management
303 C.D. Williams Rd
Telford, TN 37690